Displaying 1 - 30 of 125 in total
OSPod Episode 113: Transformers One, Philosopher Breakups, and Special Guest OSP Cyan!
We once again pulled three aces from the deck for a subtle Valentine's Special featuring the musical stylings of OSP Cyan! We cover the juicy gossip of two diametrical...
OSPod Episode 112: The Dreaded, Stradivari, and Special Guest Ludohistory!
Videos return! And so are we! Joined by special guest Adam aka Ludohistory aka Yellow, the OSPod crew unveils their dreaded-sonas, discusses the finer points of silly ...
OSPod Episode 111: Oops All Q&A!
We may not have videos this biweekly, but we'll yap nonetheless! We answer extra Q&A from you! We talk about Indigo's greatest act of hubris! We watch Oscar the Grouch...
OSPod Episode 110: Augustine of Hippo, and Extra Q&A!
Only one video to cover this pod as OSP takes January off, so we're answering even more of your questions! We chat Sonic, fictional architecture, and much much more in...
OSBonus: Another Year Another OSPod!
Happy 2025 from OSP! Listen along as we reflect on the videos, podcasts, streams, and pivotal jokes from the last year. We'll be recapping Red and Blue's greatest hits...
OSPod Episode 109: The Mitropoli, Journey to the West XII, and Blue's Mission Impossible Tierlist!
Your mission should you choose to accept it...have a happy holidays! It's an exciting final regular episode of the OSPod. Not only is it Christmas Day, not only has Bl...
OSPod Episode 108: Downtime, Warhammer, and Special Guest Jacques Ze Whipper!
Hot on the heels of PAX Unplugged, the OSPod crew is back and ready to chat! And this time they're joined by special guest Jacques Ze Whipper! We cover downtime, Warha...
OSPod Episode 107: Cyprus, Timeloops, and the Sudden Return of Girls' Night!
Blue is away so the gals of OSP will play! Joined by special guest Magenta, we plunge the many loops in time for fun and analysis. Plus! A quick word from Blue, read p...
OSPod Episode 106: Mummies, Warhammer, and the Elder Scrolls 6!
Guys Todd told us he's gonna release a new .jpeg soon. Seriously, any day now it's time for the Elder Scrolls. While you wait, how about an OSPod? In this episode we t...
OSPod Episode 105: The Pornocracy, Heroic Sacrifice, and Con Chaos!
After a stint exploring the floor at NYCC, the OSPod crew is back at the mic and ready to chit chat! This episode we cover safely googling the Pornocracy, how to heroi...
OSBonus: Oops All Dungeons & Dragons!
Roll initiative! We've assembled our party of expert adventurers to talk all things D&D and TTRPG in this special bonus pod! JoCat from Heart of Elynthi and the Crap G...
OSPod Episode 104: Human Face of Evil, Heroes of Greece, and Stinky Alucard!
Not every podcaster gets to kill Dracula BUT WE'LL CERTAINLY TRY! While we ready our weapons of choice, tune in for a discussion of Castlevania's take on evil, a compi...
OSPod Episode 103: Gilding the Nile, Ancient Precursors, and Sleepy Red!
We look back to what came before and check out some shiny shiny pyramids in this week's OSPod! Plus! How we would enrich the enclosures of modern archaeologists, best ...
OSPod Episode 102: Astraea, Tragic Classical Greece, and Freaky Fridays!
After a brush with a suspiciously her own car and a late night train pick-up, Red and Blue are exhausted and ready to podcast! On this episode we talk almost-made-up G...
OSPod Episode 101: Secret Identities, Messy English, and Assigned Sonic Casting!
We're over 100! And back to usual, with discussion of secret identities, the messiness of the English language, and for some reason, what Sonic characters we are.Our p...
OSPod Episode 100: Roman Wise-Guys, Cadmus, and 100 Episodes of the OSPod!
Happy 100 episodes! In a longer celebratory episode we recap 100 episode of the OSPod, all the questions, comments, and concerns we've answered over the years, and rea...
OSPod Episode 99: Thomas Cole, Environmental Storytelling, and Our Best Talents!
From panoramic paintings to the wider environment, we cover it all on this episode of the OSPod. Plus, what meal we are, dangerous hobbies, special secret talents, and...
OSPod Episode 98: Star Wars, Inspiring Anime, and Our Olympian Boons!
There can only be two, in this case, not Sith, but Detail Diatribes! After talking the inspiration behind Wind Waker and the novels behind the Star Wars, we chat on th...
OSPod Episode 97: Train Fights, Naxos, and Rich Man Indigo!
Forgettable islands, iconic trains, and more in this episode of the OSPod! Indigo moved and became wealthy, Blue wrote a (very successful) book, and Red can predict th...
OSPod Episode 96: Rogue One, Venice Again, and the Ever-Present Third Star Wars Opinion!
The OSPod crew beats the heat by going tropical and topical! We visit the beaches of Rogue One, the canals of Venice, and eat popsicles. Many, many popsicles. Tune in ...
OSPod Episode 95: Cosmic Alignments, Stolen Saints, and Red's New Jokermobile!
The stars have aligned once more, it's time for an Overly Sarcastic Podcast! We tackle the stolen bones of Venice, the location of the moon and stars, and do our best ...
OSPod Episode 94: Zodiac Race, Bad Venetians, and Blue's New Book!
We're back in the rat race (y'know, from the Chinese zodiac?) with another OSPod! In addition to more Venice lore, Blue has big news, he wrote a book! We talk all abou...
OSPod Episode 93: Brutalism, Trickster Heroes, and Special Guest Frost!
Quick look over there! Ahhh well, I might not have fooled you but we certainly spent a bunch of time talking about fools. We cover trickster heroes, the hot takes of B...
OSPod Episode 92: Eclipse, Athenian Democracy, and Special Guest JM8!
Power up! After witnessing a space-based phenomenon and dipping back into just what was so great about Athens, the OSPod crew is delving with friend of the pod JM8 fro...
OSPod Episode 91: Loki's Antics, Shadow of the Colossus, and Our Favorite Suns!
After NOT staring at the sun without eye protection, the OSPod crew is back and ready to talk videos! We cover the ongoing love of Shadow of the Colossus, the ongoing ...
OSPod Episode 90: Snorri Sturluson, Noodle Incidents, and Blue's Wizard Library!
Hey remember when we talked about Snorri and Noodles? Ahh well, best not to get into it. On this OSPod we examine the latest vids, and make some very definitive decisi...
OSPod Episode 89: Being Batman, Greek Age of Cities, and Radical Gamer Strats!
Would you be Batman? How do you feel about your local pride? These questions and many more asked in this hard-hitting episode of the Overly Sarcastic Podcast!Our podca...
OSBonus: Oops All Percy Jackson!
On this very special bonus episode of the OSPod, we're talking all things Percy Jackson, and we've assembled a panel of experts to do it! Along with our usual crew are...
OSPod Episode 88: Last of their Kind, The Art of War, and Boiling Hot Takes!
If your opponent is of choleric temperament, its probably Indigo walking out of Endgame. We're far from the last of our podcast kind though, so enjoy this continued ex...
OSPod Episode 87: Leaning Tower of Pisa, Yuki-Onna, and Understanding Rockets!
Line up those souvenir pictures and settling in for a tale, we're back with another OSPod! Red and Blue debate rocket taxonomy, we talk for far too long about video ga...